Greeting to a group of brothers from the communities of Central America 16-10-1980
St. John Paul II
General Audience. Rome, October 16, 1980
John Paul II, after having delivered the speech addressed to the faithful in the Wednesday General Audience, greeted each of the groups present. To the group of brothers belonging to the Neocatechumenal Communities of the countries of Central American, the Pope said:

“I know there is present a group of priests, married couples and catechists of the Neocatechumenal movement from various countries of Central America. I greet you with affection, dear brothers and sisters, who dedicate yourselves to a task to which the Church attaches great importance: building the faith of the ecclesial community through a systematic, solid, and progressive catechesis. Dedicate yourselves generously to this necessary work; be faithful to the personal experience of the Christian message and to the transmission to others.
I bless your purpose of intimate communion with your pastors, your work, people, families and ecclesial communities. »