I greet the cantors of the Neocatechumenal Communities 03-16-1980
S. John Paul II
Rome, March 16, 1980
The largest group had about two thousand singers and psalmists from the Neocatechumenal Communities from all over Italy, gathered in Rome for a convivence in preparation for Easter, led by Kiko Argüello, which intended to help psalmists to lead, in the most suitable way possible, the Easter Vigil that the Neocatechumenal communities will live on Easter night. These are the words of the Pope:

«I address a separate greeting to the many members of the Neocatechumenal Communities who offer to help the baptized to understand, appreciate and support the invaluable richness of the sacrament of Baptism through a gradual and intensive path of evangelization, through catechesis and through participation in the liturgical life, that in a way recalls the ancient catechumenate.
Dear ones, I urge you to commit yourself always with greater generosity in your effort to contribute to the edification of the mystical body of Christ and in the Church’s apostolate, obeying the Lord’s command: “Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ”(Mt 28, 19). May you be sustained and guided by constant fidelity to the teaching of the Magisterium and obedience to the pastors of the Church.
I sincerely wish you to live your intentions with dedication and enthusiasm, in light of the apostolic exhortation: “Evangelii Nuntiandi”, of my venerated predecessor Paul VI, and of the “Catechesi Tradendae” published by me based on the indications of the Synod of the Bishops on catechesis. May my Blessing accompany you, I gladly extend it to your loved ones ».