Convivence of bishops from Europe in the Domus Galilaeae 03-24-2008
Benedict XVI

Korazim, March 24-29, 2008
From March 24 to 29, a gathering of 200 bishops and 9 Cardinals from Europe took place at the Domus Galilaeae. The secretary of state on behalf of the Pope has sent the participants a telegram that we publish below:
“On the occasion of the gathering at Domus Galilaeae promoted by the Neocatechumenal Way on the subject of New Evangelization on the European continent, the Supreme Pontiff directs warm thought and wishes that this meaningful encounter favor the ever more vivid contemplation of the icon of Christ, from the Father, may arouse a growing and incisive evangelical witness, may assure remembrance in prayer and imparts from the heart to the Cardinals, bishops, priests and all participants the implored Apostolic Blessing.”
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone
Secretary of State of His Holiness Benedict XVI
At the end of the convivence, the participating Cardinals have sent the following letter of thanks to the Holy Father:
“… Full of joy in these places
where the risen Lord has sent his disciples for the
mission of the Universal Church, we have reflected on the New
Evangelization of our continent through new ecclesial
realities, in particular of the Neocatechumenal Way…
We are very grateful for your attention to the liturgical practice of
the Way: facing the crisis in Europe of the family, of young people, of
vocations, we have been able to see the fruits of this Christian
initiation, based on listening to the Word of God, in the celebration
of the Eucharist in small communities and in fraternal communion:
reconstructed families, with many children, from which numerous
vocations arise… truly a hope for Europe! As usual,
every renewal of the Church is the fruit of a gift of the Holy Spirit,
welcomed and defended by Peter.

The prophetic words spoken by John Paul II at the V Symposium of the Episcopal Conferences of Europe (1985), that the Church in order to re-evangelize Europe must “return to very first apostolic model ”, have been made by you with the sending the first 7 priests for the “Missio ad gentes“, each accompanied by 3 families with their numerous children. The experience of priests, families and their children is very positive: they are happy, full of zeal, and they are doing a great work among the unbaptized. Many of us want to start this “Missio ad gentes” in our dioceses…”
Card. J. Meisner
Card. S. Dziwisz
Card. V. Puljic
Card. A. M. Rouco
Card. F. Barbarin
Card. S. Rylko
Card. C. Schönborn
Card. J. Glemp
Card. P. Cordes