Visit to the parish of St. Rita de Tor Bella Monaca January 22, 1984
St. John Paul II
Rome, January 22, 1984
Father Giuseppe Piervincenzi, who looks after this group in the parish, has presented to the Holy Father the history of the community that has been alive for four years; a life of prayer, catechesis, learning the scripture, a study for a more precise mission of evangelization. The young man who presented the Neocatechumenal Community, married with three children, later wanted to testify how for himself the discovery of the Mother Church coincided with his personal conversion: “I lived before,” he said, “in great religious indifference and moral relativism. Afterwards, the Lord had mercy on me. ” John Paul II wanted to emphasize in his speech:
«… the path of faith can never be stopped. It cannot be stopped with Baptism, nor with First Communion, cannot be stop with Confirmation, not even with the sacrament of Marriage. Faith must always be a way. It should always be a discovery. Through it and its wonders, we – in a sense – we can reach the reality of God. The Neocatechumens are guided by this idea and strive to walk more honestly in personal faith, in community faith, in the faith of the Church.”