Words of the Popes
The Neocatechumenal Way in the words of the Popes: speeches, audiences, exhortations, acknowledgments, approvals …
St. Paul VI (August 4, 1976): “Our time needs to resume the construction of the Church, almost, psychologically and pastorally, as if it began again, from scratch, so to speak, to regenerate.”
The first apostles, in small evangelization teams, went the synagogues announcing the Good News: God has raised his servant Jesus, the one whom we have denied, asking for the grace of a murderer; he who died without resistance, without resisting evil, loving his enemies, excusing them (“forgive them because they do not know what they do”); he who offered the evil inflicted on him – torture and the cross – as proof that his love was greater than death and that he did not cease to love them, even if they took his life: God has raised him from death and today He is alive, to forgive this and any other crime. (Kiko Argüello)