Letter of Kiko to the brothers of the Way in occasion of the Coronavirus

Dear brothers and sisters, It is a great grace for me to be in contact with you through these lines. You know already the situation of the Coronavirus, that does not let us gather for the Easter announcement, in a big assembly; Thus, in this Lent I will do it by letter as I have done in the first years of the Way. As you can see, what I have

Pope Francis congratulates Kiko Argüello for his 81st birthday

Pope Francis makes a phone call to the initiator of the Neocatechumenal Way, Kiko Argüello, on the afternoon of the 9th of January to congratulate him on his 81st birthday. Francisco took the opportunity to greet him and to offer him once again his support to him and to the entire Neocatechumenal Way, encouraging him to continue forward. Kiko, surprised by the thoughtfulness of the Holy Father, thanked the gesture

San Óscar Romero and the Neocatechumenal Way

Rome, 10/22/2018 The Neocatechumenal Way continues celebrating the recent canonization of Pablo VI, Óscar Romero and 5 other saints last October 14.  Afew days ago we remembered the relationship between St. Pablo VI and the Way, this time we do it with St. Óscar Romero. The miracle that has allowed the former archbishop of San Salvador to be canonized has occurred precisely in a family belonging to the Neocatechumenal Way.

Kiko Argüello: “We are very grateful to Pope Francis for celebrating 50 years of the Way with us”

Rome, 05/04/2018.- Pope Francis will preside tomorrow Saturday, May 5 at Tor Vergata, in the outskirts of Rome, an international gathering of the Neocatechumenal Way for the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its arrival in this city. It will be a gatherine of thanks for all these years of love and God’s faithfulness to the Way, recognized by the Holy See as a Christian initiation