Speeches at the opening ceremony of the cause for the Beatification of Carmen Hernández

Speech by Kiko Argüello Good evening to all, Greetings to D. Carlos Osoro, Cardinal-Archbishop of Madrid. Cardinal D. Antonio María Rouco, Archbishop Emeritus of Madrid. Cardinal Paolo Romeo, Archbishop Emeritus of Palermo. To the archbishops, bishops and episcopal vicars present here. To the Mother General of the Missionary Sisters of Jesus Christ and her councilors: what a joy your presence gives us in this event, sisters! To the Rector of

Opening of the cause for the beatification of the Servant of God Carmen Hernández

“My Jesus, lead me to your holiness.” “You lead me to holiness.” (“Diarios 1979-1981”, n. 85; n.199) On December 4, 2022, an “Act” of special intensity and significance for the whole Church took place in Madrid: the opening of the diocesan phase of the process of beatification and canonization of Carmen Hernández Barrera, co-initiator, together with Kiko Argüello, of that itinerary of Christian initiation called the Neocatechumenal Way. Opening of

Opening ceremony of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of Carmen Hernández

Live broadcast Madrid (Spain), Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 18:00 hours (GMT+01:00) Archdiocese of Madrid Francisco de Vitoria University Sports Center. Presiding is Card. Carlos Osoro, Archbishop of Madrid. Actors of the Cause: Kiko Argüello, Fr. Mario Pezzi, Ascensión Romero, Family of Nazareth Foundations of Rome and Madrid. Postulator: Carlos Metola.

Praying for the intercession of Carmen Hernández

Carmen was born in Ólvega (Soria) on November 24th 1930 and spent her childhood in Tudela (Navarra). She felt the call to be a missionary from an early age, influenced by the spirit of Saint Francis Xavier. She graduated in chemistry from the University of Madrid. For some years she was a member of the “Missionaries of Christ Jesus” and studied theology in Valencia. In 1964, she joined Kiko Argüello

The opening of the cause of beatification of Carmen Hernández is formally requested

Five years have passed since the death of the woman who was co-initiator of the Neocatechumenal Way with Kiko Argüello, Carmen Hernández. In a Eucharist presided over by the Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Carlos Osoro, a formal request was made to open the cause of the beatification process of this exceptional woman who has made a mark in the recent history of the Church. Hundreds of members of the Neocatechumenal

Note from Kiko Argüello for the celebration of the 5th anniversary of Carmen’s death at the Almudena Cathedral in Madrid

Dear brothers, May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you, Today, July 19, 2021, we celebrate the 5th anniversary of Carmen’s death; let us pray for her eternal rest, so that she can enjoy the presence of the Lord eternally. Carmen was an exceptional woman, in love with Christ, scripture and the Eucharist. I thank God for Carmen. She was a deep, authentic and free woman in her relationship