After several years, the diocesan phase of beatification of Marta Obregón, the young woman murdered in 1992 by the so-called “elevator rapist”. The meeting took place on January 22, 2019 at the Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain (Sede Burgos). In it, participated the archbishop, monsignor Fidel Herráez Vegas; the diocesan postulator of the cause of beatification, Saturnino López Santidrián; as well as the judge delegate for the cause, Pablo González Cámara; the promoter of Justice from the archbishopric, Jesús Manuel Val Ballesteros; and a notary, Rafael Married García.
The documentation collected by the diocese of Burgos has been sent to the Holy See, where a commission is already overseeing the case.
For your interest, we reproduce the following information published in the Spanish newspaper ABC:
Marta Obregón, the young woman from Burgos murdered by the “elevator rapist”, heads to the altars
ABC, 02/11/2019
Today the cause for the beatification of a young woman whose exemplary life and defense of virtue endorses a canonical process that started in the Diocese in 2011
“If I could set an example with my life …” These are words that the young Marta Obregón left written without even imagining that her wishes would be fulfilled and, even more so, that years later after her tragic death, a beatification process would begin to take her to the altars. Marta was assassinated on January 21, 1992 by Pedro Luis Gallego, known as the “elevator rapist”, who would also end the life of Leticia Leveret, months after in Valladolid . The young woman from Burgos had spent the afternoon of that fateful day studying at a youth center in the capital and, after dedicating a time for prayer in the chapel, she left for her home. In the lobby, she was approached by her killer.
Her body appeared six days later covered in snow, on the outskirts of the city, lacerated by 14 stabbings and with evident signs of having resisted what ended up being the inevitable.
Those who attended the wake did not leave Marta’s face unnoticed, “her sweetness and serenity, only possible in someone who has forgiven ”, assured a time later the mother of the young woman. A few words confirmed by the police who participated in the case and found the body inert: “It is the first time I have seen a face so full of peace ”. So , years later a path began aimed at recognizing the virtues of the young woman, her lifestyle and her tragic death, trying to defend the virtue of chastity. She was about to finish her journalism studies, she was able to take her first small assignments in Burgos and even had a boyfriend. However, before a heartless man crossed her path, she had already shown her desire to lead another life, and spend some time as a missionary with the Neocatechumenal movement to which she belonged. The option of the consecrated life was also in her mind, as recalled in several trips to the Poor Clares Monastery of Lerma.
Today, 27 years after her death, 114 documents (800 pages) from the diocesan process of beatification of Marta Obregón, which started in 2011 from the postulator in the cause, Saturnino López Santidrián, who will be in charge of depositing them to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
Up to 20 favors
A work in progress of eight years, in which reports ranging from Marta’s own biographical data and the circumstances of her death, even testimonies from those who knew her, as well as by the people who claim to have received “favors” thanks to the intercession of the young woman, in the form of cures or solutions to complicated family situations. Up to 20 “grants” of these characteristics are provided in the documents. You have to keep in mind that in this process of beatification, it is not necessary for there to be a miracle, as it looks merely for confirmation of the martyrdom of the future blessed. So if it is achieved, it is considered to be directly united to the Paschal Mystery, as Saturnino López explained.
Whether “favors” or miracles, the truth is that the documentation that arrives to Rome today includes up to 20 cases of people who claim to have been cured of their disease by Marta’s intercession – including the case of a child with a cancer that was in full metastasis and that has been cured – or that have seen a way out of complicated family situations, mostly with young people and adolescents as protagonists.
One would actually have to go back to 2007 to, in the hands of the then archbishop of Burgos, Francisco Gil Hellín, find the beginning of a cause that started thanks to a letter that he received from someone who knew her, Montserrat Agustí, friend of the mother and member years after the Beatification Commission. The prelate, after consulting the bishops of the ecclesiastical province, asked Rome for permission to start the process. In 2010, the founder of the Neocatechumenal Way, Kiko Argüello, offered as promoter of the cause – would be the first blessed of this Catholic community – so that this process was officially opened on June 14, 2011. Up to 50 witnesses have testified during this time before a diocesan court consisting of the episcopal delegate, a promoter of justice and two notaries of the diocese. There has also been a historic commission.
With all the documentation , a “Positio”, which is a kind of summary of the cause, will be analyzed by nine expert theologians appointed by the Holy See, where Dr. Silvia Correale will act as postulator. There will be a new report that will later go to the Consistory of Bishops and Cardinals where they will transfer their opinion to the Holy Father to make a final decision.
Marta Obregón could then become one of the few blessed to whom martyrdom is recognized for preserving their chastity. Her eath occurred precisely on the feast of Saint Agnes, a Roman virgin martyred for the same cause, according to Saturnino López . The young woman from Burgos received 14 stab wounds, the same as Santa Maria Goretti, an Italian girl of 12 years old, also canonized for this very reason. They are coincidences that, for many are signs that add to the life of holiness of this believer murdered in Burgos in 1992.