Eucharistic celebration for the 80th birthday of Kiko Argüello. Homily Father Mario

Dear Brothers, In this celebration of the Eucharist, we thank God today for having Kiko been born eighty years ago and, at the same time, we remember with gratitude in prayer his father and his mother who gave birth to him. Another reason to thank the Lord for having endowed him with so many and diverse gifts and for having given us, through him, in collaboration with Carmen Hernández, the

Message from the Cardinal Vatican Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin, on behalf of Pope Francis on the occasion of the Symphonic-Catechetical Celebration “The Suffering of the Innocents” in Berlin

Berlin, 06/10/2018 The Neocatechumenal Way has celebrated the anniversary of its 40 years of life in Berlin on Saturday, June 9, 2018. Today, Sunday 10, the book “Annotations” by the initiator and international manager of the Neocatechumenal Way, Kiko Argüello, was presented as well as the prestigious Philharmonic at 8 pm (local time) the Symphonic-Catechetical Celebration “The Suffering of the Innocents”. The Cardinal Vatican Secretary of State,

The Neocatechumenal Way celebrates its 40th anniversary in Berlin with a concert at the Philharmonic and the presentation of the book by Kiko Argüello

Berlin, 06/08/2018 The Neocatechumenal Way will celebrate tomorrow, Saturday 9, and Sunday June 10, the anniversary of their 40 years of life in Berlin with various events. It will be commemorated with a thanksgiving eucharist, presentation of the book “Annotations” of the initiator of the Way and international manager, Kiko Argüello, and the Symphonic-Catechetical Celebration “The Suffering of Innocents ”–whose music has been composed by Kiko himself– in the prestigious

International meeting on the 50th anniversary of the Neocatechumenal Way, speech by the Holy Father Francisco

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning! I am pleased to meet you and, with you, to say ‘thank you’! Thank you to God and also to you, especially to those who have travelled a long way to be here. Thank you for your ‘yes’, for having welcomed the Lord’s call to live the Gospel and to evangelize. And a big thank-you also goes to those who began the Neocatechumenal Way

The 25 communities that Pope Francis will send on mission on May 5 already have a destination.

In a meeting in the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls, in Rome, with the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Camino, they received a destination for different parishes from the periphery of the city. Rome, 04/23/2018.- The The Neocatechumenal Way held a meeting on Sunday, April 22, in the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls where the missionary destinations were received by 25 communities that will

Pope Francis will preside over an international gathering to celebrate 50 years of the Neocatechumenal Way

On Saturday, May 5, in Tor Vergata, Rome, and 150,000 people are expected. Rome, 04/19/2018 – Next Saturday May 5, the Neocatechumenal Way will celebrate a great international gathering in Rome on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its arrival in Rome, after its beginnings in Madrid in the late 1960s. 60. The meeting will begin at 11 in the morning and will be presided by Pope Francis, who