Marta Obregón, martyr of chastity and an example for young people

By Javier Lozano Text and photographs:  Revista Misión, article published in the 72nd edition. The Servant of God Marta Obregón died at the age of 22, defending to the end what was most precious to her: her purity. The testimony of this young woman from Burgos, currently in the process of beatification, is causing great graces, especially in a world like today’s that does not give the body the

Meeting of Cardinal Cobo with the Neocatechumenal Way

On the afternoon of May 26th, Sunday of the Holy Trinity, a meeting took place at the Neocatechumenal Center of the Urbanization “La Pizarra” (El Escorial) with Cardinal José Cobo, Archbishop of Madrid, with the International Responsible Team of the Neocatechumenal Way, currently formed by Kiko Argüello – co-initiator of this ecclesial reality together with the Servant of God Carmen Hernández- Mario Pezzi and Ascensión Romero, accompanied by about 700

In memory of Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes

Grateful to God for his precious ministry in the Church Last night (March 15, 2024) the Lord called Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes to the reward of eternal life. The whole Church, and the Neocatechumenal Way in particular, is particularly grateful to him for the work he carried out during so many years of his life, accompanying with his wise counsel the birth and growth – with his gradual insertion into

“THE MESSIAH” by Kiko Argüello

Trieste, Italy – November 19, 2023 – 18:00 h. (GMT +1) Symphonic poem dedicated to the martyrs. A particularly important world premiere will take place on Sunday, November 19, at 6 p.m. at the Teatro Verdi in Trieste (Italy). The first element to highlight is the work itself, “The Messiah”, which is composed of three moments: “Aquedá”, “Daughters of Jerusalem” and “The Messiah, lion to conquer”. A triptych with a

A song of hope

Breaking news: Official data from civil protection and Lisbon police confirm attendance of more than 100,000 people at the vocational meeting THE YOUNG PEOPLE OF THE NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY FILL THE CITIES OF EUROPE WITH SONG The 37th World Youth Day (Lisbon, August 1-6, 2023) had a final moment of extraordinary joy in the meeting of more than seventy-five thousand young people of the Neocatechumenal Way, who came from all over